Ball and Chain


Ball and Chain


It’s a bit of a cliché, of course- any rendering of imagined restraints would be incomplete without it. But here’s the thing. Submissives deserve to have life made (consensually) difficult for them, cliché or no.

I wanted to make a ball and chain, but the problem, as so often, was shipping. How do you affordably ship something that’s designed to be heavy and unwieldy? Then I realised*, if I make them hollow, and make the eyebolt unscrew to reveal a filling hole, I can ship them out at a reasonable price, and people can fill them up to increase the weight!

I’ve done some calculations. The ball, as it arrives, including the chain, weighs around 2kg. Grab a funnel and fill it with sand, though, and it’ll weigh in the region of 5kg; Fill it with lead shot and it’ll get a lot heavier than that.

You can fill it with other stuff too, though I don’t recommend using liquids- the inside is not protected from rust, and I can’t guarantee the welds are watertight.

The ball itself is 12.5cm, or about 5” in diameter, and the chain is around 50cm in length. The chain has a ring in the end, designed to allow it to slip over another chain of a similar size, and it’s also supplied with a shackle for attaching it to restraints or anything else. The ball and the chain are clearcoated to help prevent rust. Be aware, though, if it gets dragged along a hard floor, the clearcoat may be worn away and the bare steel exposed. The ball itself is 15cm, or about 6” in diameter, and the chain is around 50cm in length.

*stole the idea from my cousin

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